Talk to Me




This part is deletable, or an optional keep.
This shows you the css in the layout.

Please refrain from removing all the credits here.
Celestial-star dafont hybrid-genesis deviantart Sweet and talented Createblog Cuddly Teddies
About Me

About this layout: This layout used to be my old createblog layout. It won the cb profile of the month for May, if I do remember correctly. I'm very proud of this layout. I love the colors, textures I used and the way I blended and worked like crazy for it. I tested and code for about three hours for this one too. This is my second CB layout that I've submitted. You have approximately 600 800 900 pixels of line space. Once you pass 900, a scroll bar appears. So, keep that autobiography short and simple. This is only the 7th div as of today, July 20, 2008 for createblog. It's not that hard to make and use- honest. :]
PLEASE, DO NOT REMOVE ANY CREDITS. If you do, well then, I'm going to have to chase you down and fix that now. Just a little heads up. :]

How To Use: This layout will cover many of Createblog's features, it will cover your friend's page, blog page and picture page. Doesn't that just suck? But it's ok, you'll have a pretty layout to make up for it. Booyah.
The comment box was formated especially so that the size and all matches with the table, I'd say, change even one letter and it wouldn't match. Change at your own risk of it look ugly.
1] Use ctrl + F or Find... to find username. Change that to your username, and your's ONLY! If you make a spelling error, most of the links won't work!
2]Change the image to an image of ONLY 150 pixels by 200 pixels. It will most likely mess up the layout if it's bigger or smaller-not sure, not willing to test.
3]Change username2 to your "bestfriend's " usernames so people can see them. You can delete the icons and replace with their pictures.
4]Find USERID and replace that with your user id. You can find that by going to your own subprofile and highlighting the number at the very end of the address bar.
5]It took me VERY long to code this, please, PLEASE don't take off ANY credits.
6]Do you want music on this thing? No problem, but you must be extremely fluent in CSS/HTML to add a new table. The music/flash player MUST be exactly, and or less than 195 pixels. It CAN NOT exceed 195 pixels OR ELSE, an ugly scroll bar will appear and stab you to death with all the scrolling. You must put it BEFORE the credits table. Yes, that is a MUST right there. Nothing should go after the credits table. It's common sense.
7]You may alter this layout, just to fit your own needs. You may NOT edit the image to replace it. You may NOT edit out the credit module. You may NOT edit out my credit on the image. You may NOT mess up the coding and come to me crying. Sorry, I don't have the time to help you. Just recopy the code and start over. That's your only option. Comments asking for help will be ignored.
8]For the submissions link, if you have none- delete the whole section. If you only have persay, layouts, delete the rest. You can do this by finding the submissions table in the code and deleting each link manuely. No, it will not magically spit out a specially generated code for you if you whisper magic words. Sorry to crush your dreams. :] 9]Now that ALL that is over and done with, enjoy the layout.


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